MASKast Chat 7 - Hasbro Cinematic Universe Announcement

Jason, Wyatt, and Erik from Boulder-Hill.Net sit down to react to today's big news that M.A.S.K. is a part of a new movie project. Hasbro's press release today stated that G.I. Joe, M.A.S.K., Visionaries, Micronauts, and ROM will be part of a multi-universe cinema world that is currently in development with Paramount Pictures. We give our reactions and speculation to the possibility of seeing M.A.S.K. on the big screen and how we think it could work best. We also read back some comments left on our Facebook page.  
Reaction to Hasbro's announcement today that M.A.S.K. is a part of a 5 franchise multiverse film project

Creators and Guests

Jason Gross
Jason Gross
Admin for Rediscover the 80s and Agents of M.A.S.K.
Wyatt Bloom
Wyatt Bloom
Independent DJ, Podcaster, & Broadcast Engineer with a love for God, 80s nostalgia, old Dodge trucks, and great humor
MASKast Chat 7 - Hasbro Cinematic Universe Announcement
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