MASKast 54 - Eyes of the Skull

Jason and Wyatt review episode 40 of the M.A.S.K. animated series "Eyes of the Skull" which includes audio clips from the episode, listener feedback, poll results, and our usual "Get Your MASK On" community news segment. The episode was a welcomed edition to the "season 4" stretch of MASKast and featured an interesting story accompanied by great animation. Miles Mayhem learns Matt Trakker's true identity for the first time in the series. Will M.A.S.K. prevail after its very existence is threatened? Tune in and find out!  
Review of M.A.S.K. episode 40 "Eyes of the Skull"

Creators and Guests

Jason Gross
Jason Gross
Admin for Rediscover the 80s and Agents of M.A.S.K.
Wyatt Bloom
Wyatt Bloom
Independent DJ, Podcaster, & Broadcast Engineer with a love for God, 80s nostalgia, old Dodge trucks, and great humor
MASKast 54 - Eyes of the Skull
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