MASKast 16 - Paul Panfalone Interview

Jason and Wyatt take a break from reviewing M.A.S.K. cartoon episodes to have a chat with Paul Panfalone, graphic artist and creator of the PlasticBattles.Net website. Paul talks to us about his memories of M.A.S.K. growing up in the 80s, the inspiration behind his recent Spectrum and Viper mask posters, and his impressions of our live-action movie quest.  
Interview with artist Paul Panfalone of PlasticBattles.Net

Creators and Guests

Jason Gross
Jason Gross
Admin for Rediscover the 80s and Agents of M.A.S.K.
Wyatt Bloom
Wyatt Bloom
Independent DJ, Podcaster, & Broadcast Engineer with a love for God, 80s nostalgia, old Dodge trucks, and great humor
MASKast 16 - Paul Panfalone Interview
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