MASKast 12 - Death from the Sky

Join us as we break down M.A.S.K. episode #10 (Death From The Sky) including the plot, agents, vehicles, and our own personal ratings. This episode features V.E.N.O.M. using a tractor beam to propel a meteor toward earth. Some difference in opinion between Wyatt and Jason on the rating. Some good elements in this episode including the venerability of the masks and vehicles, but a terrible ending according to Jason. We also give a preview of the next MASKast, which will be an overview of the first 10 cartoon episodes.  
Review of M.A.S.K. animated series episode 10 "Death From The Sky"

Creators and Guests

Jason Gross
Jason Gross
Admin for Rediscover the 80s and Agents of M.A.S.K.
Wyatt Bloom
Wyatt Bloom
Independent DJ, Podcaster, & Broadcast Engineer with a love for God, 80s nostalgia, old Dodge trucks, and great humor
MASKast 12 - Death from the Sky
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