MASKast features episode reviews from the 1985 M.A.S.K. animated series, chats about the overall franchise, and interviews with the voice actors and fan community. Your host is Wyatt Bloom along with fellow M.A.S.K. agents.

MASKast and the website were founded by Wyatt Bloom and our late but fondly remembered co-founder and MASKcaster Jason Gross

Latest Episodes

MASKast 87 - Demolition Duel to the Death

Another MASKast assignment for you fellow agents is upon us.  Season 2 of the animated series called the Racing Series!  MASKast Episode 87 will be a review of Episode...

MASKast Chat 18 - Celebrating the 39th Anniversary of M.A.S.K.

Fellow Agents of MASK team up to celebrate the 39th Anniversary of this grand franchise, Mobile Armored Strike Kommand.  In this chat we discuss our initial interest a...

MASKast 86 - Raiders of the Orient Express

MASKast 85: Retrocon 2024 - Preshow

Retrocon 2024 is upon us and Agents of MASK as well as Rediscover the 80s are hosting a simulcast of the pre-show.  Tell you about the upcoming events, guests, events,...

MASKast 84 - The Manakara Giant

Welcome fellow Agents, assignment MASKast 84 is upon us!  We are in preparation to discuss Mobile Armored Strike Kommand episode 64 titled The Manakara Giant.Synopsis:...

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